Consider Yourself Well

I confess I am fascinated by humans and the human mind; what it is, and what it is the mind is capable of producing – how it expresses itself through the human form.

Life can be missed by living a life of self-induced internal and natural drug addiction (emotion) and for that matter, the addiction of external drugs; believing that the feel-good or feel-bad is all there is to life, but it certainly is motivation worthy of careful consideration.

As you are led to judge a person addicted to an external form of inducement of feeling (illicit drugs and prescription drugs) consider your own addiction to the internal drug (emotion) of your own choice. Consider yourself well, before laying down judgment upon those you consider different or weird; their expression of life is their own and just as authentic as yours in whatever form it takes. They may very well know and understand more about the life you pretend to live – in fact, it’s almost certain that this is the case.

It’s in your own human mind that you discover the balance of life; through the thoughts, emotions, and feelings you experience. Consider your own thoughts and judge them well. It’s within your own open and free mind that you discover the freedom of life. Consider yourself well – before you lay down judgment upon another.